Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Beijing Week 4 - 内蒙古小肥羊

At the end of my last day of work in Beijing, 小邵, 小潘 and 小张 insist that we should have dinner together. Not knowing where to, I just hopped onto 小潘's new Pegeuot 306. I must say, a quite spacious car. A few options given, but I picked 小肥羊 coz of the keyword '内蒙古' which I haven't tried anything from there.

Someone ordered this beer, for me.. and later continued with the Lulu almond drink.

涮羊肉 steamboat

The Beijing JV company's IT VIPs.

Quickly took a shot of this when I saw a url on it.


Anonymous said...

Should be 涮羊肉...


Anonymous said...

yup... but I cannot find that word in my chinese input software from Microsoft. Thanks, will cut'n'paste yours :)