This is some wild flower plant, can see they are one of the first to start growing, the same time the last snow is melting.
A week later, you can find green grass on the fields. This is a small memorial park just outside the hotel I was staying.
A trip to Bamboo, Mega Palace for dinner lets me thru to its outdoor rooftop, so snap a pic of this lake during Spring.
Just within the start of spring, sometime in April-May, you'll find a day where worms come out and perform mass suicide. Yes, you can find at least 1 worm in every 5-7 foot steps, so will need to try abit hard to avoid stepping on them. I was surprise when I observed this special day in 2007, and found the same thing in 2008.
Another one.
The nice thing with this blog is, its very awsome when it comes to there topic.
y took cacing photos ?!?! geli lah
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